Increase your effective hourly rate

Get paid for the value you deliver not for the hours you spend

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It helps to organize all work for your clients into small bits (microjobs) that are agreed, priced, scheduled, and delivered in a way to maximize efficiency and happiness. This approach is refreshingly different to selling hours by a time & material scheme or doing big fixed price projects.

Microcontracts is a better way to work powered by freedom!

Step 1

Constantly identify microjobs with your client

Figure out the business needs behind every bit of work, the client’s expectations and possible budget he thinks is worth dedicating to the project.

Step 2

Make a quick proposal
for every microjob

Outline the solution and microcontract conditions: maximum price and deadline.

Step 3

Prioritize microjobs
to get your client
maximum value for money

Help your client to choose jobs with the highest business value per dollar. When a microcontract is accepted you can start working on it.

Benefit 1

Negotiate microcontracts with ease

Both the client and vendor can outline microjobs, discuss them, and propose conditions, which the other party can accept or reject. Every step is simple and formalized to quickly guide you through the process.

Benefit 2

Eliminate useless arguments about work results

Every microcontract has clear conditions, in particular who decides when the microjob is done: the vendor or client. Each single microcontract lays out which party bears the risk, even though it’s very small.

Benefit 3

Clearly see your workload to plan new commitments

Both client and vendor are in clear understanding about commitments - agreed microcontracts. The vendor also is aware of his outstanding proposals for new microjobs, which could become microcontracts if agreed or expire otherwise. This way it’s always clear when the next bit of work can be realistically put into the schedule.

This new thinking in the press

[The] career in the future [...] for many will be made up of numerous micro-jobs aimed at well-paid skilled workers, and not a single boss and company.
Futurists and human resource executives say that our work lives will consist of doing several long-term projects or tasks at once.
Instead of identifying your job role or description, you [will be] constantly adding skills based on what is going to make you more employable.
The most impactful lesson that traditional companies can learn from thegig economy is to judge all workers, including employees, on theirresults, not on when and where they do their work.
Labor is the most expensive and valuable resource at most firms. Managing this resource by time and place is a crude, empirically unproven, inefficient, and costly approach. The biggest lessons that companies can learn from the gig economy are to separate work from the office, and to measure employees based on what they produce, deliver and solve, not the hours they spend in the office. Put simply, companies need to stop measuring what doesn’t matter, and start measuring what does.

Bring your work freedom and efficiencyto a new level!

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